Investors watching the status of Dogecoin (DOGE) may have noted that the crypto recently touched $0.00429021. So far, today’s traded volume is around 17528400. The currency has seen a change of +18.11% since the last close, and the market cap is currently 489099556. In terms of circulating supply, the value is approximately 114003639876.
As with any new innovation, the potential of blockchain technology may take some time to be realized. While the fate of cryptocurrencies is widely debated, blockchain technology looks like it will make its way forward without much hesitation. Predicting the areas in which blockchain technology will be used most successfully is hard to gauge at this point. More and more businesses are beginning to realize the potential power of blockchain technology. Investors will most likely be keeping a close watch on how the blockchain technology is adopted and used by existing as well as new companies.
As cryptocurrencies start to attract more and more attention, consumers and investors will have their work cut out for them when trying to make sense of the space. Due to the highly technical nature of cryptography and blockchain, many individuals may be unfamiliar with the technology. These days, there are plenty of arguments for and against cryptocurrencies. Whatever side of argument one falls on, it is hard to deny the alluring nature of cryptocurrencies. As we move deeper into 2018, many investors are keeping a close eye on how the most famous cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, performs. After its enormous rise, Bitcoin has settled back down over the past few months.
The most popular cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, was first introduced in a white paper from 2008. Since Bitcoin was proposed, there have been many coins that have followed suit. Along with the rise of cryptocurrencies, there have been new networks and exchanges created where trading occurs. Some digital coins have gained much more popularity than others. Trying to figure out which cryptos will emerge with staying power can be a difficult task. Although many coins were created with specific functions, there are also coins that have been created simply as a joke. The increasing amount of popularity should lead to increased scrutiny and regulation in the future, but for the time being, the crypto market remains highly unpredictable.
Reviewed by mir khaleq ali
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